I needed to make cookies to take to some friends so I decided to let Jack help me. When we do things like this I am quickly reminded how big he is getting and what a great helper he is. We started by getting all of the ingredients out, he carefully would climb up and down from his stool and put them on the counter. I would scoop and he would pour and count. After we got all of the ingredients measured he put everything back in the cabinet for me and then I let him turn the blender on and off as we mixed the ingredients. While the cookies were baking I unloaded the dishwasher and he put a way the spoons and the Tupperware. Finally, as I was getting ready to put him down for his nap I stopped by the coffee table to put away some of the laundry that went in his room and noticed that he had already come and put away all of it except for one small pile. When I got to his rooms I checked the drawers and it was all in the right place, not perfectly folded, but what can I expect from a 2 ½ year old.
Wow, daily I am reminded how fast he is growing up and how I need to cherish each moment as they swiftly go by.
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