Ok, here I go, I am going to try to be one of the cool kids and start keeping a blog. The perfectionist in me wants to go back and retro blog Jack's life so I can have a journal of all the fun things that have happened in the last 2 ½ years. However, that is just so overwhelming that I will never get started so I am just going to give a quick update to catch people up if they don't know about my life and then start from today. One final business note is to let everyone know that I am not going to write the next great American novel anytime soon so I am sure that the thought process and the grammar of my blogs will be off from time to time but I figure if your reading this you probably love me or at least care for me and won't judge my thoughts nor my grammar. Ready, Set, Blog...........
My name is Caren Kreusch, formally Council, I have been married to my wonderful husband Jay for 6 ½ years. We met in New Orleans, had our first date on December 30, 1999, and haven't gone a day without talking since that date. We nurtured a long distance relationship for two years and on July 6, 2002 we got married. I still think we had the best wedding that I have ever been too (but I may be biased.) After we were married we moved to Dallas where I discovered that I should have been living in a big city my entire life. In 2003 we bought a house in Frisco which is a northern suburb of Dallas and settled into our lives. In 2006 we were blessed with our first son John Steven Kreusch (in his words “I'm just Jack”). When Jack was born I quit my job as a junior high history teacher and became a stay at home mom. I would have to say with confidence that I couldn't imaging doing anything else. I love hanging out all day with my little Jackman. In May 2008 Jay graduated from SMU with his MBA and we sold our house in the outer most darkness aka Frisco and moved back to Dallas. I love our house, our neighborhood, and the fact that we are only five minutes from Jay's work. It was a great move. In September we found out that we would be having another baby. This was a long awaited blessing and we cannot wait until May when we get to welcome James Bradley into our world.
So now you have been updated on the Kreusch family. See you next time.
yay!! I'm so glad you have taken the blog reigns! I can't wait to see all of Jacks antics and read your fun thoughts on all of it! I only started blogging when garrett was 7 months old. When I remember a story from before the blog, I post it. Or when I don't have much going on, I do a This Time Last Year post. You'll find a way to get all those historic moments on here!
Love you!!
i am so glad you started this it will be fun to keep up with now and especially after we move
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