Friday, September 7, 2007

The Virtual Yard Sale is Open!!!

For no particular reason, Caren and I decided that this fall was a good time to take stock of our possessions and throw out the crap! Rather than just back the Explorer up to Goodwill and push everything out as we drive off with the tires squealing, we decided to hold a Yard Sale with some friends. Next Saturday (9/22/2007) we will be holding our Yard sale in Plano with our friends Ben and Elizabeth.

Sometimes one man's trash is another man's treasure. However, sometimes one man's trash is another man's, well, trash. With this understanding and a basic knowledge of microeconomics, we decided to take the stuff that wouldn't fetch a good price laid out on a sheet on a lawn and eBay it.

You can view our Virtual Yard Sale at

If you want to visit the real one, it is on 9/22/2007 in Plano. Email me for the time and address.