Saturday, April 21, 2007

New email servers active!

This won't affect many of you, but it went so smoothly I just had to write about it. This morning, I migrated my mail servers to Google Apps and it was super easy.

My previous email hosting company, finally caught on to the fact that I was using thier service for free. It wasn't anything underhand on my part that made it free, it was just a mistake in thier system. I signed up for thier service in 1999 when they offered a "personal" service for free. This was way back when most individuals didn't even know what a domain name was, much less how to buy one and get your own personal email address.

After the bubble burst, this company got rid of the free service and started charging for the personal accounts. I guess I was grand-fathered, because they never charged me or asked for money. Well, that changed.

However, Google to the rescue! They offered Google Apps, which is free Gmail hosting for your domain name. Each user gets 2GB of space and much more stable servers than I was using.

Google also allows me to create 100 email accounts for free, so if you want a email address, just let me know and I can hook you up.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Three big events

Originally uploaded by Kreusch.
This past weekend was a perfect storm of three big events.

The first was obviously Easter. You can see us in our sunday finest on our pictures site. Unfortunately, Jack could only wear part of his Easter outfit. Dallas decided it was Boston for the weekend and our temperatures dipped into the 30's, so he couldn't wear the shorts Meme bought him to go with his vest and shirt. The service, titled "Easter: Deal with it" at our church was excellent. If you are in the mood, you can listen to it here.

The next was Caren's birthday! This was her last one in her 20's, and I hope she had fun with it. I got her a special cake from a local cake shop that was out of this world and we cooked up a steak dinner on the grill.

It also happened to be opening day weekend in arlington for the Rangers. They were playing the Red Sox. I was able to get some tickets to opening day as well as the next night. Opening day was in the high 40's and we asked a lot of Jack. The photo above shows the end result. He fell asleep in the hip hammock I was wearing while carrying him back to the car. This is the first time he has ever fallen asleep in a place other than his crib or our car, so that says something. The weather got even worse the next night and was in the mid 30's with snow all around (the game turned out to be the coldest on record for the Rangers), so we decided to forget the tickets we had to the game and go and have fun driving around town shopping instead. We kept warm and had fun, that's the important thing.

Well, keep posted. Papa John comes into town this weekend and will get to see the Jack Man for the first time. I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures and videos to post. I'm also hoping to press another DVD in the near future, right after his first birthday.